9/11 truth, 9-28-23

Two items: First, thanks to Chris Bergier of Boston 9/11 Truth for emailing out the top message below; the 15-minute segment Chris refers to on the Redacted program on the Internet begins 71 minutes in following unrelated matters; visitors can fast-forward directly to it. Secondly below, word of an organization launched last June 12, the International Center for 9/11 Justice, whose Ted Walter speaks with Redacted’s Clayton Morris in the segment recommended by Chris. — MCM


RFK Jr. on the ‘strangeness’ of Building 7’s collapse at the World Trade Center. From Chris Bergier. “At minute 1:11:30 in the following recent CNN interview, RFK Jr. talks about the strangeness of Bldg. 7 dropping down at freefall speed on 9/11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3GI7kme0kY RFK Jr. also admits not having spent much time researching the 9/11 Truth movement’s great gathering of information that contradicts the official story. Perhaps someone in the 9/11 Truth Movement could direct RFK Jr. to the research of Dr. Leroy Hulsey. It would also be great if RFK Jr. and Dr. Leroy Hulsey could get together and do a zoom meeting interview discussing Dr. Leroy Hulsey’s research.”


Announcing the International Center for 9/11 Justice. From ic911.org. To the 9/11 truth community and the world: It is with great hope and a deep commitment to achieving truth and justice regarding the events of 9/11 that we are announcing the launch of the International Center for 9/11 Justice. The Center is a new iteration of the former International Center for 9/11 Studies, founded in 2008 by . . . READ MORE . . .