In a panel yesterday in New York City, members of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discussed their “Petition for a Grand Jury Investigation Into the Crimes of 9/11.”
Moderator Les Jamison interviewed two of the Committe’s lawyers, Mick Harrison and Dave Meiswinkle. (A third, Julio Gomez, could not attend.)
What follows is from the first 12 minutes or so of the 90-plus minutes of the discussion, transcribed from a livestream archive:
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MEISWINKLE: A most egregious crime was committed in this city and throughout the country sixteen, seventeen years ago, and it’s never been properly addressed. The evidence has never been put forth before an objective body to look at. What we’re interested in is transparency and accountability in government, which hasn’t happened, and as we proceed through the day and the evidence, you’ll see that transparency and accountability does not exist as far as this crime. This crime was never properly investigated. And we want that done. Period.
JAMISON: At the Justice In Focus Symposium the Lawyers Committee received testimony from several expert witnesses. Can you describe the scope of this testimony and what you consider to be the high points?
HARRISON: So I’ll describe the start and then Dave can supplement. We’ll get into some of the details later, but we heard testimony from a number of scientists, engineers, architects — some of you may have been there — 2016, here in New York.
We focused on forensic evidence in a broad sense, and also forensic evidence in a narrow sense. We heard eyewitness testimony summarized by Graham MacQueen . . . .
Some of you may know that a large number of firefighters who survived 9/11, first responders, were actually interviewed on the record within a few months afterwards by the Fire Department of New York and their testimonies have been preserved. The New York Times, in an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, obtained those testimonies, and if you can read them for yourself and we encourage you to do it.
But we heard a lot of details from the eyewitnesses, not just the firefighters. We also heard expert testimony from chemists, architects, engineers, at least one physics teacher — I’m probably leaving somebody out. And you’ll hear details of that later. And you can hear … a third category, which I call anomalies, which are basically unexpected, irregular, suspicious events that may not be as much direct evidence as the laboratory analyses or direct testimony or the eyewitnesses but nonetheless do inform our analysis on the event.
Do you have something you would like to add, Dave?
MEISWINKLE: Just that the evidence that was produced shows, we believe conclusively, that pre-placed explosives, bombs or incendiaries, were used to bring the buildings down. The official story that we’ve lived with thus far [is] that office fires brought the buildings down. And our investigation that the Lawyers Committee has done, [about which] Mick has just mentioned some of the areas of investigation or expertise, claims otherwise. And that’s why we need to bring it before a grand jury, which is a body made up of 16 to 23 people. Twelve people have to do for an indictment, et cetera. But that’s what we want to do … bring it before a grand jury.
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A recording of the whole discussion is available online (see entry below). More information on the petition is at
Exhaustive and persuasive work. Here’s hoping.