Media, 10-4-24

For now, links to a video from Consortium News and CN Live! and to commentary from ScheerPost; other published matter is accessible by clicking on their names below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE and HERE.) — MCM   


FROM OCT. 3  Watch: ‘Assange appears as Mideast burns.’ Joe Lauria and Elizabeth Vos of Consortium News and CN Live! interview British journalists Craig Murray and Richard Medhurst about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange‘s speech to a committee of the Council of Europe on Tuesday and about the explosive situation in the Middle East. Click HERE for introduction and video.


FROM OCT. 3  ‘Who do you want to win?’ by Patrick Lawrence | Original to ScheerPost  A piece by a Times of London columnist merits careful consideration. Matthew Syed titles his commentary, “Israel–Hezbollah conflict hinges on a crude question: Who do you want to win?” He proposes we consider Israel’s barbarities another case of the West against the rest. Russia will invade Europe when it finished in Ukraine. China . . . READ MORE . . .