Lionel, 12-14-21

Our technology forces us to live mythically. — Marshall McLuhan

Have You Heard the Latest?

By Lionel


Now, hear me out.

If you wanted to destroy what’s left of America you couldn’t play it any better than this. By nullifying and neutralizing our spirit. Our feeling of belonging. And connectivity. The American collective has already been clobbered by Covidmania, our fear and intimidation boosted by gain of function. Masked shackled petrified and immobilized. I don’t even recognize my country. And certainly not my city. New York City, once tough and unyielding. Now, surrendered to Hochul’s hokum after Sollozzo’s reign of terror and Big Bird’s synchronized malfeasance. If you want to see tough, go to Europe. That’s the site of resistance. Not here.

Keep up the systematic destruction. That’s the goal of the shadow government (SG). Disconnect America from anything of importance. Give them inferior educational systems and never ever ever allow them to even approximate any ability to critically think. Disengage and disconnect them from art mathematics poetry science, everything of importance. Keep them stupid and amused. And always scared. Panicky. Pause their operating systems: they won’t be needing them any time soon.

Keep the American people confused. By all and any means. And that’s easy to do. Make sure they do not possess even a rudimentary understanding of how their system is supposed to work. Provide distraction and amusement at all times, rendering them unable to focus and attend to that which is necessary. Medicate die Kinder. Shut them down and shut them up. Plop their kids in front of a Zoom class and pretend she’s learning anything. Play along with the illusion as teacher unions rob students of anything resembling an education. And keep them masked. Masked and disguised so they can never exchange a smile or gesture. Push them away. They’ll be fine. They’re kids. Right. Manageable, malleable. Resilient. Sure.

Don’t you believe those studies of affected students that report suicides and mental illness through the roof. Ditto for addiction warnings. That’s just anti-vaxxer Trump MAGA conspiracy theory drivel. You know how that works, right? It’s all a conspiracy theory. Everything. Or is it climate change? Anyhoo. But you’re smarter than that. Blink once for yes.

And who’s always at the helm churning and regurgitating the fake news folderol? The SG sockpuppet anarchic nihilist radleft media. They’re always there. Always. Ready to follow orders without question. Especially when it comes to the #J6Trespassers. The biggest case of nothing in the history of nothingness. It’s all they have. They’ll just drag out Ol’ Sourpuss Liz Cheney (who’s rumored to have last smiled during the Harding administration) to dust off, T/trump up and attempt to breathe life into the most seriously overdone unnecessary charges in American history. There was no insurrection, no sedition. Nothing to rival the Civil War, WWI, the Korean or Boer Wars, 9/11 or the heartbreak of psoriasis. It was precisely what it appeared to be: trespass. That simple. Scary at times, you betcha. Actionable, absolutely. Wrong, without a doubt. But remember the real reason. The actual purpose of the entire event — to forever quash squash and squish any chance Trump has of running again.

Are they that scared? Without a doubt.

Till it be morrow.

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The commentary above arrived this afternoon by email. It is reprinted without the author’s permission. He picked out the quote above it and the headline is his. It may be more readable in THIS format. — MCM