Media, 10-31-24

For today, links to a report from Consortium News, and to an earlier entry from this website, and to a personal note; other links are accessible by clicking on highlighted names below. NOTE: Earlier this week, three entries were permanently removed by an unknown party for Oct. 28 and possibly Oct. 29 concerning Gaza, Ukraine and the media — although some of the items in them were reconstructed and added to later entries. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE and HERE.) — MCM


FROM OCT. 30  Winning a battle over control of our site. From Consortium News. Consortium News has defeated an attack on America’s oldest independent news site. For now. After being completely taken over for nearly 72 hours, CN was able to wrest back . . . READ MORE . . .  Click HERE for an earlier entry from this website.


A personal note, by Mark Channing Miller of this website  It’s good to know that someone is reading it. Also, thanks to everyone at Consortium News for doing what you do!