As a Nor’easter’s snow falls on far western Massachusetts, what better time to begin (in response to no particular reader demand) a resumption of this blog’s Weekender. The plan is to add segments between stints of shoveling relatively light snow from the driveway. Click on links to read. — MCM
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Tangled Tale of NATO Expansion at the Heart of Ukraine Crisis is Consortium News editor-in-chief Joe Lauria’s look at, as he puts it, how “the U.S. response to winning the Cold War set the stage for the current crisis with Russia.”
– – – is the address of an excellent website for reviewing the September 2001 terror attacks and the government-news media coverup of evidence about them. The site, which has been around since 2002 or 2003, is a good resource for getting to know the basics. For no good reason it has been undeservedly ignored in this blog. Please explore.
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Rowland Morgan and Giulietto Chiesa are among hundreds of journalists who have dug into the mysteries of the September 2001 terror attacks and have been more successful than most. Obituaries of the two are at Consensus 9/11: The 9/11 Best Evidence Panel, one of nine “Site Picks” linked at 9/
“Hundreds”? Yes. The outfits they have worked for include ABC, BBC, CBC, CBS, CNBC, C-SPAN, Fox, the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, the New York Times, Reuters, the Washington Post, and USA Today. See the review “9/11 Questions,” a 55-minute video found at
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Under the headline The Historical Dispute Behind Russia’s Threat to Invade Ukraine: Putin claims that, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the U.S. promised not to expand NATO beyond East Germany. Does he have a case? is Joshua Yaffa’s analysis of the situation, from this week’s New Yorker. Joe Luria mentioned it, above. How do the two accounts differ?
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