Lebanon, 1-25-25

For today, links to reports from Reuters and National Public Radio; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA, WEST BANKSYRIA, LEBANON and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE, HEREHERE, HERE and HERE.)— MCM


Israel warns Lebanese against returning to area at border. From Reuters. BEIRUT / JERUSALEM — The Israeli army today warned residents of dozens of Lebanese villages near the border against returning until further notice, a day after Israel said its forces would remain in south Lebanon beyond a Sunday deadline for their departure. READ MORE . . .


FROM JAN. 24  Lebanese long to return to war-damaged homes, but Israeli troops remain — for now. Reported by Emily Feng and Jawad Rizkallah | NPR  TYRE, Lebanon — After more than a year of fighting between Israel and the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah, displaced Lebanese villagers long to return to their homes. But now, there could be further delay. Click HERE to listen and read.