For today, links to reports from Reuters and National Public Radio; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA, WEST BANK, SYRIA, LEBANON and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.)— MCM
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Israel warns Lebanese against returning to area at border. From Reuters. BEIRUT / JERUSALEM — The Israeli army today warned residents of dozens of Lebanese villages near the border against returning until further notice, a day after Israel said its forces would remain in south Lebanon beyond a Sunday deadline for their departure. READ MORE . . .
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FROM JAN. 24 Lebanese long to return to war-damaged homes, but Israeli troops remain — for now. Reported by Emily Feng and Jawad Rizkallah | NPR TYRE, Lebanon — After more than a year of fighting between Israel and the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah, displaced Lebanese villagers long to return to their homes. But now, there could be further delay. Click HERE to listen and read.