Media, 2-8-25

For today, links to two articles from MintPress News; others are accessible by clicking on its name below. (GAZA, WEST BANK, and LEBANON entries for this date are HERE, HERE and HEREMEDIA 2-2-25 entry is HERE.) — MCM


FROM FEB. 7  Tom Brady & Snoop Dogg’s Super Bowl ad, by Alan MacLeod | MintPress News / ScheerPost  As they tune in to watch the Philadelphia Eagles take on the Kansas City Chiefs this weekend, hundreds of millions of Americans . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM JAN. 30  Jerusalem Post targets MintPress News after exposé on Israeli spies in U.S. media, by Alan MacLeod | MintPress News  In December, the Jerusalem Post published an investigation from Nicholas Potter, a “counter-extremism expert,” who falsely accused MintPress News . . . READ MORE . . .