West Bank, 2-8-25

For today, links to an editorial from Middle East Monitor and to commentary from ScheerPost; other articles are accessible by clicking on its name below. (GAZA, LEBANON and MEDIA entries for this date are HERE, HERE and HERE. WEST BANK 2-7-25 entry is HERE.) — MCM


From militants to politicians: Can Hamas follow Syria’s Islamist reinvention? From Middle East Monitor. Hamas has gained increased popularity in the West Bank, but this support is primarily for its military operations rather than its governance. Many Palestinians view. . . . READ MORE . . .

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FROM FEB. 7  All the gloves come off in Gaza, by Patrick Lawrence | Original to ScheerPost  President Trump’s announcement of plans for the Gaza Strip has set free ultra–Zionists of all sorts. It is now perfectly acceptable for public officials to advocate Israel’s annexation of the West Bank. READ MORE . . .