West Bank, 2-10-25

For today, links to reporta from the Cradle and the Associated Press; other articles are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZAIRANLEBANONSYRIA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HEREHERE, HEREHERE and HERE. WEST BANK 2-9-25 entry is HERE.) — MCM


Israel expands West Bank ‘open-fire’ orders against unarmed civilians. From the Cradle. The Israeli army has expanded the scope of its “open-fire” orders in the occupied West Bank, leading to a rise in civilian deaths during Israel’s current assault across the territory, Haaretz newspaper reported today. READ MORE . . .


After the ceasefire in Gaza, West Bank Palestinians face more Israeli barriers, traffic and misery, by Isabel Debre | AP RAMALLAH, West Bank  — Israel justifies its measures tightening the noose around Palestinian cities in the West Bank as essential to guard against militant attacks. Click HERE for article, a video and photos.