For today, links to reporta from the Cradle and the Associated Press; other articles are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA, IRAN, LEBANON, SYRIA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. WEST BANK 2-9-25 entry is HERE.) — MCM
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Israel expands West Bank ‘open-fire’ orders against unarmed civilians. From the Cradle. The Israeli army has expanded the scope of its “open-fire” orders in the occupied West Bank, leading to a rise in civilian deaths during Israel’s current assault across the territory, Haaretz newspaper reported today. READ MORE . . .
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After the ceasefire in Gaza, West Bank Palestinians face more Israeli barriers, traffic and misery, by Isabel Debre | AP RAMALLAH, West Bank — Israel justifies its measures tightening the noose around Palestinian cities in the West Bank as essential to guard against militant attacks. Click HERE for article, a video and photos.