Nature, 2-15-25

Links to an essay from Resilience and reports from National Public Radio; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE and HERE.) — MCM

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FROM FEB. 5  Putting nature at the center, by / Post Carbon Institute  Stopping humanity’s war on nature will require . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM FEB. 13  The truth behind your Valentine’s Day flowers. Reported by Ruth Sherlock | NPR  CUNDINAMARCA, Colombia — Buying flowers on Valentine’s Day is a classic gesture of love. But the beauty of these bouquets comes at a cost. High in the Andes Mountains . . .  Click HERE to listen and read.


FROM FEB. 13  The Panama Canal needs more water. The proposed solution would displace thousands. Reported by Ari Shapiro, Alejandra Marquez Janse, Courtney Dorning, Karen Zamora and Rolando Arrieta | NPR  Every time a ship passes through the Panama Canal, more than 50 million gallons of fresh water from Lake Gatun pour out into the ocean.  Click HERE to listen and read.