AE911Truth, 4-29-22

I’m happy to pass along some important good news from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth that arrived today by email. Excerpted below, it includes an appeal for donations, which are especially welcome because, as Ted Walter puts it, the group “is struggling for survival because two major donors have had to scale back and fundraising has been very low since January — as it usually is in the first half of the year. Plus . . . our costs have been rising.” Click HERE for more about the development. And click HERE to make a donation. — MCM


Major Journal Agrees to Review Censored 9/11 Article!

Last week, following a four-year ethics complaint process, the American Society of Civil Engineers agreed to conduct a new review of an important article that was unfairly rejected by the Journal of Engineering Mechanics in 2013.

This article refutes a highly influential paper by engineer Zdeněk Bažant that purports to explain how the top of the [World Trade Center’s] North Tower could crush through the lower structure due to gravity alone. Bažant’s papers are the foundation of the official story, and getting this article published will be a death blow to his theory.

This could prove to be a turning point in how the engineering community views the WTC collapses. But victory is by no means guaranteed. We are now working vigilantly to ensure that the article is reviewed fairly so that it finally gets published.

More breakthroughs are on the horizon, and we are not that far from creating a sudden groundswell of support for a new investigation if things go right.

Ted Walter

Director of Strategy / Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth