For today, links to a report from the Floutist via ScheerPost and to related websites; others are accessible by clicking on their names below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date and a MEDIA entry are HERE, HERE and HERE, or scroll down. WEST BANK 3-8-25 entry is HERE, or scroll down.) — MCM
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FROM FEB. 25 ‘Scars on the land,’ by Cara MariAnna | The Floutist / ScheerPost On Jan. 21 apartheid Israel launched what we must now realize is its final push for annexation of the West Bank, in a blitz dubbed operation “Iron Wall.” This was only two days after the Gaza ceasefire began. In the 36 days since . . . READ MORE . . . Click HERE for University of Bethlehem website, and HERE for website of the Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
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FROM MARCH 6 An imagined reality, by Cara MariAnna | The Floutist / ScheerPost The Jewish state’s creation was accompanied by a profoundly destructive transformation of the historic land of Palestine, including the illegally occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Calamitous damage to watersheds, a topic I took up in Part 1 of this report [above], was among the graver consequences of what amounts to another aspect of the catastrophe that has befallen Palestinians at the hands of the Zionist regime. READ MORE . . .