Richard Gage is best known as the founding director of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, from which he departed last September over board members’ disappointment over some parts of his interview with filmmaker Spike Lee that led to the shortening of the fourth and final segment of Lee’s “NYC Epicenters” for HBO Max. Several months ago Gage started his own website, His interview with the British communications scholar Piers Robinson, promoted below, will be viewable online today beginning at 4 p.m. EDT today. It is part of a series under the rubric “Richard Gage: UNLEASHED!” — MCM
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9/11: The Propaganda War | Piers Robinson, PhD
Was 9/11 a propaganda event?
My guest on “RichardGage911:UNLEASHED!” is Dr. Piers Robinson!
What is propaganda and what role does it play in democracies?
Watch on Rokfin after 1PM Pacific Today!
How was propaganda deployed by the Government, and the media, on & following 9/11?
Who is Hill+Knowlton? Who hired them? What role did they play in the lead up to war in Iraq?
What role did propaganda play with respect to enabling the Global War on
Terror” and “regime change war doctrine”?
What is revealed in the planning documents and exchanges between Tony Blair & George Bush immediately following 9/11?
Who was Edward Bernays? How has he shaped the minds of Americans?
What are the techniques & mechanisms of propaganda?
How was the deception of omissions and distortions used on 9/11?
Was “deception” deployed to initiate the subsequent wars? 1. Afghanistan: with the “democracy/rights” narrative? 2. Iraq: with the “WMD” narrative? 3. Syria and Libya: with the “evil dictator” and “chemical weapon” narratives?
How does the legacy media maintain these deceptions?
How are these deceptions maintained in the academic communities?
How was “suppression of science” arrayed against the work of Steve Jones, Kevin Ryan, Niels Harrit and the University of Alaska, Fairbanks WTC 7 Study?
How is the “conspiracy theorist” smear tactic used? And where did it originate?
Who is the government official Cass Sunstein? And what is “cognitive infiltration”?
How can we, as citizens, see through propaganda in real time?
What is the best way to expose propaganda when we find it?