‘… No News Today’

Below please find an early 1950s song that says a lot about the news business. To listen, click on the title.

‘No There Ain’t No News Today’ *

When the chauffeur met his boss at the ship (at the ship) / as the father just returned from the trip (from the trip) / he said “What have you to say? Have you any news today?”

No there ain’t no news today (no news today).

No there ain’t no news today (doodowa, doodowa doowah). / Ain’t a thing that I can say (doodowa, doodowa doowah). / But we lost our home when the barn burned down / while we all were gone away (doodowa doowah).

No there ain’t no news today — / everything is quite okay. / But the maid had a fit, ’cause the butler quit. / Still there ain’t no news today.

Saxophone and piano take over for a bit.

And the cook left town one day (doodowa doodowa doowah) — / and he took your wife away (doodowa doodowa doowah). / And the cow** sat ’round when the house burned down. / Still there ain’t no news today (doodowa doodowa doowah).

No there ain’t … no news … to-day.

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* Recorded by The Penguins in 1954

** Best guess at this word