Linked below, from Tom Dispatch and recommended by Popular Resistance, is commentary by the author of All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change (2019).* It is introduced by Tom Engelhardt. (Today’s previous entry is HERE.) — MCM
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Collapse 2.0: What a 2005 bestseller tells us about climate change and human survival, by Michael Klare | Tom Dispatch / Popular Resistance In his 2005 bestseller Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, geographer Jared Diamond focused on past civilizations that confronted severe climate shocks, either adapting and surviving or failing to adapt and disintegrating. Among those were the Puebloan culture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, the ancient Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica, and the Viking settlers of Greenland. Such societies, having achieved great success, imploded when . . . READ MORE . . .
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* Click HERE for bio of the author including list of his previous books and articles.