Americas, 11-21-23

For now, links to analyses from the Berkshire Eagle (first published on Nov. 11), the Associated Press, Reuters and, via Popular Resistance, Orinoco Tribune; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (The GAZA and UKRAINE entries for today are HERE and HERE.) — MCM


China forges ‘strategic partnership’ with Colombia, long a U.S. ally in South America, by James Brooke | The Berkshire Eagle  On the commercial front, Colombia, a middle-income nation of 52 million people, offers a juicy market to Chinese exporters. On the strategic front, Colombia is South America’s only nation with Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The new deal with China will add new energy to . . . READ MORE . . .


The lion, the wig and the warrior. Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s president-elect? by David Biller and Daniel Politi | AP  A few years ago, Javier Milei, Argentina’s next president, was a television talking head whom bookers loved because his screeds against government spending and the ruling political class boosted ratings. At the time, and up until mere months ago, hardly any political expert believed he had a real shot at becoming president of South America’s second-largest economy. But the 53-year-old economist has . . . READ MORE . . .


Argentina’s Milei must learn political game to make the changes he seeks, by Nicolás Misculin | Reuters  BUENOS AIRES — Argentina’s Javier Milei promised in his first speech as president-elect that there would be “no room for half measures” to revive the country from its worst economic crisis in two decades. But unless he can capitalize on political alliances, half measures may be all he can achieve. The radical libertarian outsider heads a coalition with only limited . . . READ MORE . . .


U.S. escalates Essequibo dispute by militarizing Guyana. From Orinoco Tribune.  The government of Guyana is trying to militarize the country with the help of the United States. This escalation serves the interests of oil company ExxonMobil which intends to appropriate the oil and gas resources of the Essequibo region disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. The Guyanese press recently reported that a “ceremony of . . . READ MORE . . .