Links to three pieces of commentary from Truthdig, Declassified UK, and the Flautist, all via Consortium News; others are accessible by clicking on their names below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries are HERE and HERE.) — MCM
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FROM JUNE 28 Julian Assange is free: Here’s what he’s given us, by Marjorie Cohn | Truthout / Consortium News After a 14-year struggle, including five years spent in Belmarsh, a maximum-security prison in London, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is finally free. Although the U.S. government alleged that WikiLeaks’s publication of information had caused “great harm,” Assange’s attorney Barry Pollack said at at June 26 press conference in Australia they “admitted there was not a single person anywhere that they could produce that was harmed . . . READ MORE . . .
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FROM JUNE 26 The media kept Assange behind bars, by Jonathan Cook | Declassified UK / Consortium News / Popular Resistance The establishment media acted as a willing tool in the demonising narrative the U.S. and British governments carefully crafted against Assange. Even now, the BBC and others are peddling the same long-discredited lies. Those include the constantly repeated claim by journalists that . . . READ MORE . . .
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FROM JULY 1 The state failed to break Assange, by Patrick Lawrence | The Flautist / Consortium News Even during the darkest moments of his years under house arrest, in asylum at Ecuador’s London embassy, and at Belmarsh, he never surrendered his sovereignty. He remained ever the captain of his soul, and never did he . . . READ MORE . . .