Biden et al, 7-24-24

Links to four commentaries via ScheerPost, Patreon and Substack, Consortium News, ScheerPost, and Middle East Eye; other articles are accessible by clicking on their names below. (GAZA entry for this date, so far, is HERE.) — MCM


FROM JULY 22  My thoughts on Biden dropping out, by Chris Hedges | ScheerPost  Joe Biden was discarded by the same billionaire class he assiduously served throughout his political career. Barely able . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM JULY 22  Only half gone, by James Howard Kunstler | Patreon / Substack  And so, all of a sudden on Sunday, the USA became an episode of Veep, after President “Joe Biden” had that fateful sit-down with God he’d hinted at a week or so ago. READ MORE . . .


FROM JULY 19, 2019  Kamala Harris’s distinguished career of serving injustice, by Marjorie Cohn | Original  to Consortium News five years ago | ScheerPost  Sen. Kamala Harris, who served as San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011 and California attorney general from 2011 to 2017, describes herself as a “progressive prosecutor.” Harris’s prosecutorial record, however, is . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM JULY 22  Even the U.S. propaganda machine can’t whitewash Biden’s sordid record, by Ammiel Alcalay | Middle East Eye  An enfeebled president, suffering from dementia and possibly Parkinson’s, and amid an ongoing genocide, fully documented in real time, that his administration has paid for, approved and enabled — and . . . READ MORE . . .