With all due respect to fellow and sister ‘“9/11 truthers” who feel the quest for truth in the matter of the September 2001 terror attacks should not be mixed with efforts to expose government/media false narratives on the Covid-19 pandemic and how to fight it . . . here are two pieces on the latter. Each is rare in its own way. The first, by author and CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen, was published today. The second, by Spin webzine publisher Bob Guaccione Jr., first appeared on Jan. 17. Click on the titles to access them.
(NOTE: The version below of Bergen’s article, from CNN’s website, is in a format that is far more readable than the one initially posted here, which was from his own website. Apologies for the tough reading.) — MCM
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The threat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poses to Covid-19 vaccination efforts, by Peter Bergen. “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has become one of the leading voices in the anti-vaccination against Covid-19 movement, and he is imperiling the lives of countless Americans in the process.”
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The Outsider, written by Bob Guaccione Jr, “Robert Kennedy, Jr., ostracized for his criticisms of vaccines, has written an explosive expose of America’s Doctor, Anthony Fauci. Here [in an interview] Kennedy has a lot to say, about Fauci, COVID and our corrupted media.”