Gaza, 12-24-24

For today, links to five reports: from Reuters, National Public Radio, Middle East Monitor, and Middle East Eye, and to commentary from Middle East Monitor; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (SYRIA, UKRAINE and 9/11 TRUTH entries for this date are HERE, HERE and HERE.) — MCM


Looting cripples food supply in Gaza despite Israeli pledge to tackle gangs, sources say, by David Gauthier-Villars, Nidal al-Mughrabi and John Davison | Reuters  Israel has failed to crack down on armed gangs attacking food convoys in Gaza, despite a pledge to do so in mid-October to help ward off famine in the Palestinian enclave, according to three U.N. and U.S. officials familiar with the matter. The commitment, made . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM DEC. 23  Two UN agencies talk about the obstacles in providing aid in Gaza. Reported by Aya Batrawy | NPR  Palestinians across Gaza say they’re starving and cold without enough food or shelter. Aid groups say Israel is not letting enough supplies into Gaza. Armed gangs are also stealing aid. Click HERE to listen and read.


Israeli air strike on Gaza fire station kills civil defence worker. From Middle East Monitor. A member of Gaza’s civil defence forces, Najeeeb Sakkar, was killed in an Israeli air strike this afternoon while preparing food for his son Mohamed, Gaza’s civil defence service said. Mohamed and another worker were wounded. READ MORE . . .


FROM DEC. 23  October Israeli strike in Gaza was much deadlier than reported, according to testimony. Reported by Daniel Estrin | NPR  The U.S. says it has not received answers from Israel about an October strike in Gaza. A list of the dead, compiled by survivors and provided to NPR, indicate this strike was deadlier than reported. Click HERE to listen and read.


Netzarim corridor: Israel’s ‘axis of death’ for Palestinians, by Ruwaida Amer | Middle East Eye  GAZA — The so-called Netzarim Corridor is a 6km stretch of land south of Gaza City that divides the strip into its northern and southern parts. It stretches from the Israeli boundary with Gaza City in the east to the Mediterranean Sea. READ MORE . . .


The perks for genocide in Gaza, by Ramona Wadi | Middle East Monitor  A report in Ynet News describes the construction of “a small beachfront retreat” which “offers soldiers a rare break from their gruelling missions in the Gaza Strip.” READ MORE . . .