Lake, 7-24-23

For now, a link to commentary from the Free Press, followed for context by links to two recent Associated Press news stories and, via the Greanville Post, video commentary by a political analyst; other dispatches from the three organizations may be accessed by clicking on their names below. NOTE: This is the second entry today. — MCM

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Hunter Biden and the ‘deep state, by Eli Lake | The Free Press  For Donald Trump’s most dedicated fans, the latest revelations from the FBI and IRS about Hunter Biden suggest a darker force at work: the Deep State. For them, the deep state functions like an invisible force that controls our country on behalf of an oligarch class. This kind of deep state is a paranoid fiction. But a more nuanced version of this concept does exist. It is the secret part of our government and it. . . READ MORE . . .

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IRS whistleblowers air claims to Congress about ‘slow-walking’ of the Hunter Biden case, by Farnoush Amiri and Lisa Mascaro | The Associated Press WASHINGTON — House Republicans raised unsubstantiated allegations on July 19 against President Joe Biden over his family’s finances as they summoned IRS whistleblowers to testify publicly for the first time about claims the Justice Department improperly interfered with a tax investigation into Biden’s son Hunter. Lawmakers heard from . . . READ MORE . . .

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Grassley releases full memo with unverified claims about Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine, by Lisa Mascaro | AP  WASHINGTON — Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley released an unclassified document on July 20 that Republicans claim is significant in their investigation of Hunter Biden as they delve into the financial affairs of President Joe Biden and his son, and revive previously debunked claims of wrongdoing. Grassley of Iowa has been working alongside House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., as Republicans deepen their probe of . . . READ MORE . . .

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Massive FBI corruption revealed in the Hunter Biden scandal. Presented by Garland Nixon | The Greanville Post From an introduction: “Patiently tracking and piecing all its parts together, Garland Nixon concludes that the Hunter Biden ‘laptop scandal, grave as it is, is but the tip of the iceberg, and that . . .” Click HERE to listen to and watch 70-minute video. (No printed text.)

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