Two passages from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Bible, chosen by Philip Beyer, a retired archdeacon of the Episcopal Church’s Diocese of Florida, appear below in English, Latin American Spanish, French, and European Spanish translations. His reflection* on them for this date, HERE, is from weekly visits to a prison in that state, but it and the words of scripture might fit all those who “sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.” — MCM
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By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. — Luke 1:78-79
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A causa de la entrañable misericordia de nuestro Dios, con que la luz de la aurora nos visitará de lo alto; para alumbrar a los que habitan en tinieblas y en sombra de muerte; para encaminar nuestros pies por caminos de paz. — Lucas 1:78-79
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Car notre Dieu est plein de compassion et de bonté, et c’est pourquoi l’astre levant viendra pour nous d’en haut, pour éclairer tous ceux qui habitent dans les ténèbres et l’ombre de la mort, et pour guider nos pas sur la voie de la paix. — Luc 1:78-79
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Por la entrañable misericordia de nuestro Dios, con que nos visitó desde lo alto la aurora, para dar luz a los que habitan en tinieblas y en sombra de muerte; para encaminar nuestros pies por camino de paz. — Lucas 1:78-79
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* Beyer did 30 of them for this month in the May, June and July issue of Forward Day by Day / Día a Día, publications of the Forward Movement, based in Cincinnati, OH.