
Media, 10-2-24

Links to reports from the Anadolu Agency and the Associated Press, and, via Consortium News, to a transcript of Julian Assange’s speech; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date, so far, are HERE and HERE.)   — MCM

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FROM OCT. 1  WikiLeaks founder says he was freed because he ‘pled guilty to journalism,by Merve Berker | Anadolu Agency  ANKARA — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday said that he was freed after years of incarceration because he “pled guilty to journalism.” “The fundamental issue,” he told a European Parliament committee, “is simple. “Journalists . . . READ MORE . . . Click HERE for report from AP.


FROM OCT. 1  ‘My naivete was believing in the law.’ An address by Julian Assange of WikiLeaks to a committee of the Council of Europe, from Consortium News.  Ladies and gentlemen, the transition from years of confinement in a maximum security prison to being here before the representatives of 46 nations and 700 million people is a profound and a surreal shift. The experience of isolation for years in a small cell . . . READ MORE . . . Click HERE for an introduction to the address and to audio and video of a Consortium News discussion of it and its context.