Media, 11-2-24

Links to a report and to commentary, both from Consortium News: others are accessible by clicking on its name below — and, if necessary, following instructions to restore its accessibility. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE and HERE.) — MCM

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FROM NOV. 1  Recovering CN around the world. From Consortium News. Since coming back online after a cyberattack, our readership is down dramatically by about 75 percent. We have received many reports from readers that they still can’t get Consortium News on their screens. If you are one of them, here is what you need to do according to Google AI. READ MORE . . .


FROM OCT. 31  Portents of chaos, by Patrick Lawrence | Special to Consortium News  The word “sowing” has been a favorite in the mainstream press since 2016, when we read daily — and of this we were to have no doubt — the Rrrrrussians were “interfering in our elections.” READ MORE . . .