Media, 11-9-24

For today, links to a report from System Update, via ScheerPost and Rumble, and to commentary from, via ScheerPost;  other published material is accessible by clicking on their names below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE and HERE, and an ELECTION entry is HERE.) — MCM


FROM NOV 1  Media outright lies about Trump calling for Liz Cheney’s execution. Glenn Greenwald of System Update takes to Rumble to describe news media pile-on against former President Trump, implying or actually alleging he wished Liz Cheney, supporter of Vice President Harris, to be executed by firing squad. Click HERE to watch and listen.


FROM NOV. 6  It’s tme to stop buying into tooth-fairy politics, by Jonathan Cook | / ScheeerPost  Kamala Harris didn’t lose because she’s a woman or because she’s Black. She lost because, if your political and media system – rigged by donors – limits the choice to two hardline neoliberal candidates, with anything else denounced . . . READ MORE . . .