‘N-Rs’ and Anxious Pilots

The “majority” of automobile pilots whizzing by during our walk “showed
no reaction”? No, that’s not quite right. The true “non-reactors” did not
seem to notice us at all, did not look at us, navigated in relaxed
postures, gave us reasonable clearance, but acted as though we were mere
obstacles in the road.

Outnumbering N-Rs were more anxious pilots looking tense, gripping the
steering wheel tightly as though by maintaining tight control of their
cars they maintained control of their “lives.” They tended to scrutinize
us incredulously but then continue without further reaction.

Neither category seemed conversant with 9/11 one way or the other;
probably most of them “defaulted” to the official version of terrorists
and “Airplane hit building, building fall down.”

— Bruce

One thought on “‘N-Rs’ and Anxious Pilots

  1. Richard McNally says:

    Like London Bridge and Humpty Dumpty, cloying gooey unhelpful fairy tales go on and on. Unless they’re stomped on by patriots with a taste for the truth without which a most unhappy ending will be in store for the U$A, a once-great country that deserves to be saved. Too many good men died for this country to let it disintegrate right before our eyes. Onward and upward is the only acceptable path, like the one you and Mark traveled.

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