Truth Is Contagious: Andrew Kreig’s guest column yesterday is about the murder of a U.S. president in 1963 and researchers’ efforts, continuing this weekend, to end its coverup. This blog has been mostly about ending the coverups surrounding the mass murders of September 2001 on U.S. soil. In both decades-old cases, government commissions prominently did the coverups, and news media have bent over backwards to support them. A book out this week concerns a global killer not even two years old and obviously relevant today and for the future — and what its author contends is another media-assisted coverup of vital facts. Title: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Author: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing. Please read on . . . .
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An Author’s Aim: My copy of The Real Anthony Fauci arrived yesterday and so far I’ve read only the extensive dedication & acknowledgements, the publisher’s note, and the author’s 10-page introduction (not including three pages of endnotes). “I wrote this book,” Kennedy says at the end of it, “so that Americans … can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dominate our government and subvert our democracy, and to chronicle the key role Dr. Fauci has played in the current coup d’état against democracy.” This is a big order. Can he deliver?
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Previous ‘Coups d’État’: One reason many “truthers” on the September 2001 attacks are truthers on the JFK assassination — and vice versa — is that both events can be viewed as coups d’état with countless consequences. Following both, commissions beholden to the White House conducted coverups lasting decades. In the case of Americans’ deteriorating public health, Robert Kennedy Jr. contends, federal agencies beholden to pharmaceutical (and other) corporations played lethal roles. Wikipedia says, HERE, that RFKJr.’s organization, Children’s Health Defense, is “mainly known for anti-vaccine activities and has been identified as one of the main sources of misinformation on vaccines”; Wikipedia also terms 9/11 truthers and JFK assassination truthers conspiracy theorists.
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Blurbs of Praise: So far it’s too early for major news media outlets to weigh in with reviews on The Real Anthony Fauci, published by Skyhorse Publishing. But enthusiastic paragraphs appear, HERE, on the website of another book publisher, the mainstream Simon and Schuster.
— Mark Channing Miller