About His Talk Last August: People who are interested in what’s real, and can be shown to be, regarding the three skyscraper collapses at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, should appreciate THIS illustrated article by the professional engineer Brian Thompson. It’s titled “My presentation to the fire protection engineers at my local SFPE chapter — and some discoveries I made along the way.” SFPC stands for Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
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The First AE911Truth Billboard at Times Square: Over the weekend, HERE, I mentioned the high-tech billboard Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth has paid for (for a month?) at Times Square. It’s actually the second one. The first was a year or three ago, and it got no response from the New York Times in the way of covering one of the biggest crimes of this century. The AE911Truth website has lots of new things that may interest readers of this blog, by the way.
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That Movie: The movie alluded to HERE is the 2017 “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.”
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Other Terms for Us: Re “I like to be in Ah-MAY-ri-ca” . . . not all people in Latin America call U.S. citizens Americanos. Two terms equally if not more often used are estadounidense (“United Stateser”) or norteamericano (North American). The view that America refers to all of North and South America as one continent is expressed in the song “Somos la garganta de América,” which I couldn’t find online. The song expresses the perspective of some in Central America that that region is America’s throat.
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‘Something New’: An Associated Press story by David Bauder about Chris Wallace leaving Fox News for CNN, HERE, contained this paragraph: “Wallace generally co-existed with Fox’s opinion side and infrequently took them on publicly, although in 2017 he said it was ‘bad form’ when opinion hosts bashed the media.” It jumped out at this blogger. I criticize the news media across the board for omitting whole categories of news and analysis that citizens in a free society can handle but don’t get to read, see or hear. Another paragraph: “Wallace said that he wanted to ‘try something new, to go beyond politics to all the things I’m interested in.’” Perhaps at CNN he’ll chip away at the self-censorship and elevate the credibility of the Fourth Estate. Perhaps not.
— Mark Channing Miller