For today, links to reports from Middle East Monitor and the Associated Press; others are accessible by clicking on its name below. (GAZA, IRAN, LEBANON, WEST BANK and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. SYRIA 2-9-25 entry is HERE.) — MCM
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Syrians returning to the town of Tel Rifaat find homes in ruins and underground tunnels, by Khalil Hamra | AP TEL RIFAAT, Syria — The long anticipated return home for residents of the Syrian town of Tel Rifaat, displaced since 2014, has collided with a painful reality — scars of war, streets lined with rubble and ruins standing in place of . . . Click HERE for article and photos.
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Israel targets military airport in Syria. From Middle East Monitor. Syrian media reported explosions at the Khalakhla Air Base, in the north of Syria’s Suwayda province, as warplanes were heard flying over the area. Syria TV reported Sunday evening that Israeli occupation forces were attcking the airport. Earlier Sunday . . . READ MORE . . .