For now, links to three reports: from Reuters, the Cradle and National Public Radio; others are accessible by clicking on its name below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date, so far, are HERE and HERE, or scroll up or down. SYRIA 2-20-25 entry is HERE, or scroll down.) — MCM
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Dancing in Damascus, Syrians clink to culture under Islamists’ rule. From Reuters. Despite concerns that Islamist rule would restrict artistic freedoms, Anas Zeidan, an official currently responsible for museums and antiquities, emphasized the administration’s support for the arts. “The government is not against art,” he said. READ MORE . . . Click HERE for Reuters video.
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FROM FEB. 21 Western-backed Syrian govt imposes strict fasting rules on non-Muslims for Rama. From the Cradle. Syria’s Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued a circular requesting the revival of an old law stating it is forbidden to break the fast in public during the month of Ramadan out of respect for the feelings of those fasting. If approved . . . READ MORE . . .
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FROM FEB. 20 The new head of Syria has governed before. Here’s what his leadership looked like. Reported by Emily Feng | NPR The head of a rebel group is now the head of Syria. How will he lead a country destroyed by civil war and sectarianism? NPR found clues in a region in northern Syria, where he governed for years. Click HERE to listen and read.
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