Syria, 3-25-25

For now, links to four reports: from the Cradle and the Associated Press; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. Also, from, a map of Syria.  (LEBANON, WEST BANK, GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date and a POETRY entry are HERE, HEREHERE, HERE and HERE, or scroll up or down.  SYRIA 3-23-25 entry is HERE, or scroll down.) — MCM

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Multiple casualties following new Israeli attacks on Syria. From the Cradle. At least seven people were killed in Israeli attacks on the town of Koya west of southern Syria’s Deraa on 25 March, the latest of several recent strikes on the country. READ MORE . . . Click HERE for report from AP.


Hamas condemns Israeli attacks on Syria’s Daraa. From Middle East Eye. Hamas issued a statement today condemning Israel’s attack on Daraa in Syria. “This fascist aggression,’ it said, “represents a serious escalation of Zionist violations against the Syrian Arab Republic and its brotherly people, and a new war crime.” READ MORE . . .

FROM MARCH 24  Lebanese delegation to visit Syria for ‘border security’ talks. From the Cradle. A delegation from Lebanon is set to travel to Syria this week for talks with the new government in Damascus to discuss border security and coordination following recent clashes between Lebanese tribesmen and Syrian security forces on the border. READ MORE . . .

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