Ukraine, 10-22-23

First, links to reports from Reuters, the Associated Press, National Public Radio, and Tass. Then, links to two pieces of commentary from Consortium News; the first is by a professor of international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh; in the second a Ukrainian-Canadian political scientist and author is interviewed. Then, links to three videos featuring the second of these two political scientists. (Today’s GAZA entry is HERE.) — MCM


Six killed in Russia’s missile attack on Kharkiv postal centre, Ukraine says, by Maria Starkova and Ronald Popeski | Reuters  KYIV — Six people have been killed and at least 14 injured in a Russian missile attack that hit a postal distribution centre in the war-devastated northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Ukrainian officials said. President Volodymyr Zelenksiy posted a . . . READ MORE . . .


Ukrainians prepare firewood and candles to brace for a winter of Russian strikes on the energy grid, by Hanna Arhirova | AP  MOSHCHUN, Ukraine — Countless Ukrainians are getting ready for winter by chopping firewood, stocking up on candles, buying generators, batteries, flashlights and compact gas canisters, and, if they can afford it, investing in solar panels. READ MORE . . .


Ukrainian army’s attempt to debark near railroad bridge thwarted close to Kherson. From Tass. GENICHESK — Units of the Dnepr Group have thwarted an attempt by the Ukrainian armed forces to debark near a railroad bridge close to Kherson, with 20 Ukrainian soldiers eliminated, a representative of the region’s operative services said. In the same direction an . . . READ MORE . . .

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Some Ukrainians fear that war in the Middle East would distract from their plight. Reported by Joanna Kakissis | NPR  Ukrainians worry that a regional war in the Middle East will distract their country’s allies, embolden Russia and prolong Russia’s war on Ukraine. Click HERE to listen and read.


U.S. declares ‘war, by Michael Brenner | Consortium News  U.S. foreign policy has set the country on a course destined to lead to a world of rivalry, strife and conflict into the foreseeable future. Washington has declared “war”on China, on Russia, on whoever partners with them. That “war” is comprehensive — diplomatic, financial, commercial, technological, cultural, ideological. It implicitly fuses a presumed great power rivalry for dominance with a clash of civilizations: the U.S.-led West against . . . READ MORE . . .


The Maidan massacre, censorship & Ukraine, by Natylie Baldwin | Consortium News  Canadian-Ukrainian professor Ivan Katchanovski’s investigation of the Maidan massacre in Kiev in February 2014 found an organized mass killing of both protesters and the police, with the goal of delegitimizing the Yanukovych government and its forces and seizing power . . . READ MORE . . .


Professor Ivan Katchanovski on video. People interested in hearing and watching the Ukrainian-Canadian academic talking about historic events in his native country can check out three videos. Click  HERE for a May 2022 podcast, HERE for a June 2019 power point presentation, and HERE for a January 2023 podcast. They are, in that order, 29 minutes, 24 minutes and nearly two hours long.