Ukraine, 11-21-24

First, links to reports from the Assocated Press and NBC News; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA entry for this date, so far, is HERE.) — MCM


Ukraine says Russia launched an intercontinental missile in an attack for the first time in the war, by Hanna Arhirova and Illia Novikov | AP  KYIV — Ukraine claimed today that Russia launched an intercontinental ballistic missile overnight at one of its cities. If confirmed, it would be the first time . . . READ MORE . . .


Russia did not fire an ICBM at Ukraine, U.S. officials say, disputing a claim by Kyiv, by Dan De Luce and David Hodari | NBC News  Russia did not fire an intercontinental ballistic missile at Ukraine today, a U.S. official and a military officer with knowledge of the matter told NBC News, disputing a claim by Kyiv. READ MORE . . .