Ukraine, 5-27-22

First, links to Reuters and Associated Press reports; click on the news services’ names below for links to other stories. Then, links to several National Public Radio reports, and a video on Javelin missiles. — MCM


U.S. and Ukraine discuss danger of escalation as new arms extend Kyiv’s reach, by Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali | Reuters As the United States and its allies provide Ukraine with increasingly sophisticated arms, Washington has held discussions with Kyiv the danger of escalation if it strikes deep inside Russia, U.S. and diplomatic officials tell Reuters. The behind-the-scenes discussions, which are highly sensitive and have not been previously reported, do not put explicit geographic restrictions on the use of weapons supplied to Ukrainian forces. But the conversations . . . READ MORE . . .


‘Relentless’: Russia squeezes Ukrainian strongholds in east, by Yuras Karmanau and Elena Becatoros | The Associated Press KRAMATORSK, Ukraine — Russia-backed separatists claimed they captured a railway hub city in eastern Ukraine as Moscow’s forces pushed to gain more ground Friday by pounding another Ukrainian-held area where authorities say 1,500 people have died since the start of the war. With Russia’s offensive in Ukraine’s industrial Donbas region showing . . . READ MORE . . .

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Ukraine claims victory in Kharkiv, but some nearby areas face relentless attacks. Reported by Jason Beaubien | NPR Even as conditions improve in Ukraine’s second largest city, some people just outside Kharkiv continue living in basement bomb shelters. Click HERE to listen and, tomorrow, read.


A cyberwar is already happening in Ukraine, Microsoft analysts say. Reported by Jenna  McLaughlin | National Public Radio Microsoft’s global ubiquity gives its cybersecurity experts a unique window into the Russian cyberwar against Ukraine. The software giant is involved in both monitoring and combatting attacks. Click HERE to listen and read.


How much could it cost to rebuild Ukraine — and who would pay for it? Reported by Ashish Valentine | NPR Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has already destroyed billions of dollars’ worth of infrastructure, blocked exports from key Black Sea ports, and displaced more than 12 million people. The World Bank predicts the war will cause Ukraine’s economy to shrink by 45% this year. And as Russian forces now . . . Click HERE to listen and read.


Javelin missiles are in short supply and restocking them won’t be easy. Reported by Frank Morris| NPR Ukrainian fighters have destroyed Russian fighting vehicles with U.S. supplied Javelins. But replacing the thousands of missiles could take years, largely because of a crimp in the supply chain.  Click HERE to listen and, tomorrow, read. A May 3 NPR report on Javelins is HERE.


Javelin Missile: Made by the U.S., Wielded by Ukraine, Feared by Russia. From Among the most noticeable weapons credited with standing up to overwhelming waves of Russian tanks has been a state-of-the-art, infantry-operated guided missile. The Americans who produced it call it the FGM-148 AAWS-M (for “Advanced Antitank Weapon System-Medium”), but many of its current users have come to call it “Saint Javelin, Protector of Ukraine.” Video is HERE.