While tidying up a desk this week I came across a DVD with the words “911 MYSTERIES” and in smaller type the name Sofia Smallstorm on the sleeve containing it. The 90-minute video was released in 2006 or 2007, and I must have received my copy at least several years later but until this week had not looked at it. It is well worth watching, which one can do HERE or HERE for free. One reason to do so is to consider how few if any of the mysteries it presents about the collapses of the Twin Towers and the Building 7 skyscraper, all at the World Trade Center in New York City, have been solved. Just below is the documentary’s Postcript. — MCM
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There are perhaps a dozen blasting companies that handle the world’s major demolitions. Family-owned and widely respected, their knowledge is derived from experience, and the materials they use are conventional.
The World Trade Center demolitions were highly advanced and unconventional. Explosives have always been the domain of the military, and what took place at Ground Zero is not even fully understood by civilian blasters.
The destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 was conducted in broad daylight, in full view of news cameras and reporters, thousands of New Yorkers, and millions who watched on live TV.
Shock and awe.
Fearing worse and ignorant of scientific principles, the public mind was readily manipulated.
This film was made to present possibilities and raise questions. We do not control our airwaves. We have consigned them to large corporations who create scripted sound bites serving as “news.”
911 MYSTERIES gives you what the airwaves have failed to. The footage used is in some cases authorized, in other cases not, borrowed within the realm of the Fair Use Doctrine and U.S. Copyright Code Section 107.
Use of copyrighted footage does not imply endorsement by its owners.
The incorporation of experts does not imply that these individuals agree with the content of this film.
911 MYSTERIES is offered in the spirit of the American Constitution as an alternative analysis, an invitation for dialogue, a tool for awareness in the interest of the public good.
Ask questions. Think for yourself.
Wake up, and you will make the difference.
911 is a keyhole into Consciousness. If you can get through it to the other side, everything looks different.
Don’t be afraid.
This is the First Awakening. Follow your curiosity, like Alice in the rabbit hole. You are becoming free.
Keep stepping forward. Share your discoveries. You will make new friends. You are not a conspiracy theorist, but part of a whole.
We are all in this together.
Know it, feel it, use it. This is the Second Awakening.
Thank you for thinking.
Get out there and make more consciousness.
Something will happen when enough of us know.