Below are headlines (only) over two articles related to quarantining – from today’s editions of the French daily Le Monde and the Spanish daily El País. One report concerns official measures taken so far in France and the outlook for more. The other describes a European Space Agency experiment in which six scientists were isolated together for nearly a year and a half inside a simulated spacecraft. Click on the links for the articles.
(A glitch changed the appearance of one paragraph. At least it’s easier to read.)
France, already paralyzed for a week, awaits possible quarantine extension: Expected to last two weeks, it will be decided “in the next few days,” says the government, which modified work rules considerably to take into account “the economic and social shock.” Follow the situation live and ask us questions.
(La France paralysée depuis une semaine, dans l’attente d’une eventuelle prolongation du confinement: Le prolongement du confinement, censé durer deux semaines, sera décidé « dans les prochains jours », selon le gouvernement, qui a modifié en profondeur le code du travail pour prendre en compte « le choc économique et social ». Suivez la situation en direct et posez-nous vos questions.)
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‘Our mission as we face the coronavirus is to survive and to not infect’: A Colombian-Italian scientist who was isolated [with five others] for 520 days in an experiment simulating a voyage to Mars gives some clues on putting up with quarantines
“Nuestra misión ante el coronavirus es sobrevivir y no contagiar”: El científico colombo-italiano que se aisló 520 días en un experimento que simulaba un viaje a Marte da algunas claves para soportar major la cuarentena