An Appeal for Money

Those who lived in the land of deep darkness, on them light has shined. — Isaiah 9:2

The message below from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry came in, as is, last night:

Dear [Reader],

The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry is working hard to reopen 9/11 investigations. In addition to a NYC Grand Jury, we would like to have Grand Juries concerning the alleged crash of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, the alleged crash of American Flight 77 into the Pentagon, and a Grand Jury convened concerning the Obstruction and Failure of Government to prevent the 9/11 crimes.

On September 6, 2019 the Lawyers’ Committee sued the United States Attorney William Barr and Geoffrey Berman, United States Attorney, Southern District in Manhattan in New York City to have them comply with the Federal statute which requires United States Attorney Berman to present to a Federal Grand Jury evidence of controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers given to him by the Lawyers’ Committee. Berman had previously informed the Lawyers’ Committee that he would comply with the law regarding presentation of evidence to a Grand Jury.

On March 25, 2019 the Lawyers’ Committee sued the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington D.C. on a Mandamus action containing seven counts for not assessing and reporting to Congress as mandated by Congress, evidence not previously considered by the original 9/11 Commission. In addition, the Lawyers’ Committee is involved with litigating three Federal Freedom of Information actions and an Open Public Records action in New Jersey.

To properly investigate crimes almost 20 years old, the Lawyers’ Committee needs to hire and work with professional investigators and to conduct needed outreach. These are important investigations which cost a considerable amount of money that need to be done, and which our government failed to do. The evidence of 9/11 crimes not considered by the government’s “official” story must be gathered and presented to a Grand Jury in order for Truth and Justice to prevail.

If not now, then when?

Your support is most needed and appreciated.

The Lawyers’ Committee is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Contributions are tax deductible.

David R. Meiswinkle, President/Executive Director

Mick Harrison, Director of Litigation