Assange, 4-13-24

For today, links to articles of commentary from Consortium News and Counterpunch; others are accessible by clicking on their names below. (UKRAINE and GAZA entries for this date are HERE and HERE.) — MCM


FROM APRIL 11  How Britain would be obliged to free Julian Assange, while Biden ‘considers’ ending the case, by Joe Lauria | Special to Consortium News  President Joe Biden’s remark on Wednesday that his administration is considering ending the prosecution of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange appears based on a calculation that the U.S. could lose in court on Assange’s appeal against Britain’s order to extradite him. READ MORE . . .


FROM MARCH 10, 2023  The betrayers of Assange, by John Pilger | Counterpunch  I first interviewed Julian Assange in London in 2010. I immediately liked his dry, dark sense of humour, often dispensed with an infectious giggle. He is a proud outsider: sharp and thoughtful. We have become friends, and I have sat in many courtrooms listening to the tribunes of the state try . . . READ MORE . . .