Biden, 7-9-24

Links to commentary from ScheerPost and Middle East Eye; others are accessible by clicking on their names below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date, so far, are HERE and HERE.) — MCM


U.S. elections 2024: An ageing Biden and the crisis of liberal imperialism, by Hamid Dabashi | Middle East Eye  U.S. President Joe Biden is 81 years old. After his televised debate witH former U.S. President Donald Trump on 27 June 2024, he has been perceived as frail, ageing and not in full command of his faculties. In the words of . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM JULY 7  Power for the sake of power, by Patrick Lawrence | Original to ScheerPost  When I awoke Saturday morning, I found my thoughts wandering back a decade, when my siblings and I plotted to get our father’s car keys out of his frail, unsteady hands. Watching Joe Biden in a television interview will do this to you. READ MORE . . .