Media, 1-9-25

For today, links to commentary from via Consortium News, and from the New York Post; other articles are accessible by clicking on the sources below. (GAZA, SYRIA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE, HERE and HERE, and a MEDIA entry for Jan. 8 is HERE.) — MCM


FROM JAN. 7   Twisting the terrorism narrative. by Craig Murray | / Consortium News  There was absolutely nothing stopping them. But not one single member of Western mainstream media ever visited a bomb site in Lebanon to verify whether Israeli claims it was a Hezbollah base or missile site were true because . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM JAN. 2  Editorial: No. 1 media fail of 2024. From the New York Post. President-elect Donald Trump is forcing the Democratic politicians who spent years lying about President Biden’s senility to take their bitter medicine, but we’re more concerned about the toady media who played along. READ MORE . . .