Media, 3-28-24

Links to a news release from Consortium News, and to commentary from ScheerPost; their reports and commentary are accessible by clicking on their names below. NOTE: The Spanish-language link in the CN news release may not work, but the link does work. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date, so far, are HERE and HERE.) — MCM


FROM MARCH 27  Consortium News introduces international editions. From Consortium News. Consortium News now has dedicated websites in more than 100 languages, providing separate national editions of its award-winning journalism. Readers in numerous countries can . . . READ MORE . . .


FROM MARCH 24  PEN America self-destructs, by Chris Hedges | ScheerPost   PEN America, once an important defender of rights for writers, editors and artists, has, under the direction of former State Department official Suzanne Nossel, abandoned its mission, destroyed its credibility and provoked a revolt among its members. READ MORE . . .