Niels Harrit

You cannot fudge this kind of science. We have found it. Unreacted thermite. … Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have long known that the three [World Trade Center] buildings were demolished. This has been crystal clear. Our research is just the last nail in the coffin. — Niels Harrit in a 2009 interview on Danish television

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Niels Harrit is a name I don’t remember hearing or seeing before Bruce Henry and I met for brunch in downtown Pittsfield four or five years ago. Bruce had brought along a paper containing Harrit’s reasons for concluding that nano-thermite was used to destroy three World Trade Center buildings on Sept. 11, 2001. Bruce lent me his copy, which was in a pale orange-colored folder. Some days or weeks later, after I finally got around to reading it, my interest in pursuing alternatives to the official story of the “9/11” attacks was revived.

Harrit, now 75, was an associate professor in the Chemistry Department of the University of Copenhagen for 37 years.

Harrit and eight other researchers with whom he wrote the paper concluded that impacts from two jetliners did not cause the collapses of WTC Buildings 1, 2 and 7. Rather, they thought, explosives including nano-thermite, traces of which were found in the rubble, were placed in the three buildings in advance and ignited in a precise sequence.

I thought of Harrit recently when someone emailed a link to a video of a 2012 interview of him by Lilou Maté of Lilou’s Juicy Living. HERE it is.

HERE (scroll down a bit) is a more conventional* interview of Harrit on a Danish TV news program, conducted not long after the paper coauthored by him was published in 2009.

There is nothing new above in this entry, which merely serves as a reminder of some scientists’ efforts begun in the early years of this century. Readers who already know about the project of Harrit and company might send a link of this to someone who doesn’t.

What was new to me until yesterday is a Purdue University project, summarized briefly in a National Geographic video HERE and in other online presentations that support official accounts. (I may add another link or two to it, but they should not be hard to find.)

In the National Geographic video, Mete Sozen, a professor of civil engineering at Purdue, describes the project briefly. Sozen died in 2018 at age 87. His obituary, HERE, does not mention the Purdue study in describing his career.

I trust Harrit and company over Sozen and company. I trust the University of Alaska/Fairbanks study led by Professor Leroy Hulsey. Read and hear about it HERE and HERE among lots of other places but not in National Geographic.

— Mark Channing Miller

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* This interview would be anything but conventional on U.S. network news, where challenges to the official story of the attacks and destruction Sept. 11, 2001, have been verboten since not long after that date.