Syria, 1-11-25

For today, link to reports from the Cradle and National Public Radio; others are accessible by clicking on their names or initials below. (GAZA and UKRAINE entries for this date are HERE and HERE.) — MCM


FROM JAN. 10  Israel plans long-term occupation of ‘control zone’ deep inside Syria: report. From the Cradle. Israel plans to establish a “control zone” 15 kilometers deep inside Syria and an intelligence “sphere of influence” extending 60 kilometers, claiming the new government in Damascus includes “the most dangerous people in the world,” Ynet reported on Friday. READ MORE . . .


FROM JAN. 10  Most Syrian refugees in Turkey are watching the new leadership before returning home. Reported by Fatma Tanis | NPR. Hundreds of Syrian refugees in Turkey are making a return to Syria every day, according to the Turkish Interior Ministry. But the majority are waiting to see how the new leadership takes shape. Click HERE to listen and, later, read.