Update, 10-29-21

Through an oversight the other day I neglected to find the first of Leland Teschler’s two columns in Design World magazine disparaging the conclusion of some engineers that the Twin Towers and a third skyscraper, Building 7, at the World Trade Center could not have come down as they did on Sept. 11, 2001, for the reasons stated in two National Institute of Standards & Technology reports — the weakening of steel beams caused by office fires ignited at the Twin Towers by burning fuel from the two planes that crashed into them and subsequent damage of Building 7 caused by the North Tower’s collapse sufficient to ignite decisive fires there — but rather that they must have been brought down through a process of controlled demolition effected by carefully timed explosions of pre-planted explosives of some kind.

HERE is that first Design World column by Teschler on the subject. It appeared in April 2020 under the headline “What 9/11 truthers do during a pandemic.” His second column, this month, elicited a letter of reply by Roland Angle, the new CEO at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Both were discussed, HERE, last week by Angle and host Andy Steele on the program “9/11 Free Fall.”

As of yesterday or today, Teschler is no longer mentioned on Design World’s website. He was previously described on it as one of two executive editors.

— Mark Channing Miller