It’s Still About 9/11

And [Jesus] said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news of all creation.” — Mark 16:15


Months ago, out in Cincinnati, Scott Gunn signed himself up for a month’s worth of commentaries on Biblical scripture from the liturgies of the Episcopal Church. His began on April 1 (Maundy Thursday) in the little quarterly Forward Day by Day, with the words “Everything Jesus does is about love.”

For today, he selected the sentence up top from Mark 16:9-15, 20, and wrote, in part:

In our churches, we can be overwhelmed by the labors of keeping things running, of merely surviving. We can become slavishly devoted to the maintenance of familiar practices. We worry so much about rocking the boat … 

Gunn was probably not thinking of 9/11 and its challenges. Read his whole entry for today, the Saturday of Easter Week, HERE, when it becomes available online.

This is primarily a blog about 9/11, or at least it started out that way three Aprils ago.

— Mark Channing Miller