In Search of Truth …

… Christopher Gioia and Joseph Torregrossa go to Capitol Hill on the 11th to meet with U.S. representatives.

The two Long Island firefighters are among the latest members in a persistent movement of people who want the “9/11” attacks on this country on Sept. 11, 2001, thoroughly reinvestigated.

As reported HERE, their volunteer fire department’s commission voted unanimously on July 25 that it “fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation of every crime related to the attacks … as well as any and all efforts by other government entities to investigate and uncover the full truth surrounding the events of that horrible day.”

As reported HERE, firefighters Gioia and Torregrossa will be in Washington on Sept. 11 — Wednesday of next week — to speak with as many members of the House of Representatives as they can about their commission’s resolution.

To read the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department commissioners’ 348-word resolution, click HERE and scroll down a bit.

In late July I phoned the Washington office of U.S. Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts’ 1st Congressional District asking him to meet with Gioia and Torregrossa. A courteous staffer said the commissioners should be directly in contact with his office to set up the meeting. I phoned them, got a recording, and then wrote them via THIS FORM on their website to be directly in touch with Rep. Neal’s office.

Any citizen who wants their U.S. representative to meet with the two firefighters should first telephone your U.S. representative and then write the fire commissioners saying you have made the request of your U.S. representative and asking them to request a meeting.

Thanks to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry for their assistance in this effort. Read HERE about a U.S. Senate resolution calling for “Declassification of All 9/11 Documents.” It was adopted without objection nearly a year ago.