Truth and Reality

The third of the three paragraphs below is from pages 52 and 53 of the psychiatrist M. Scott Peck’s most popular book, The Road Less Traveled,* which has been translated into more than 20 languages. Dr. Peck was born in 1936 and died in 2005.


Una vida de completa dedicación a la verdad significa, también, una vida en la cual una persona tiene una buena disposición a ser desafiado personalemente. Aceptar y hasta sentir gratitud por desafios a nuestros planos de realidad nos permiten crecer en la sabiduría y eficacia.

Une vie totalement dévouée à la vérité signifie, de plus, une vie dont on est prêt toujours à être defié personnellement. Accepter, même accueiller, les défis à nos cartes de réalité nous permit à devenir plus sages et plus efficaces.

“A life of total dedication to the truth also means a life of willingness to be personally challenged. Accepting and even welcoming challenges to our maps of reality allow us to grow in wisdom and effectiveness.”


* And also from the Feb. 1 entry in the 1993 book Meditations From the Road, a collection of 366 quotes from The Road Less Traveled (1978) and The Different Drum (1987).